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Date of Birth: 30/07/1980
Speciality: Gynecologist - Obstetrician
Position: Consultant
Curriculum Vitæ:

Was born in Athens the 30th of July 1980, he is the son of the gynecologist Ioannis ARGYROUDIS and Gioula ARGYOUDIS-VORRIAS.

He grew up and finished his basic education in Chios. He graduated from the 1st multidirectional lyceum of Chios in 1998, noted 19/20 (Excellent).

The same year he was accepted in 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. He graduated Medical Doctor, after passing the Czech State Exams in 2005 noted 1.2 (Excellent)

As a medical student he obtained a scholarship from the IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students Associations) and effectuated a stage of 2 weeks in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University Hospital “Arnau de Villanova” in Lleida, Spain under the supervision of Prof. Xavier Gonzalez Tallada MD. He also did a second, 2 week stage in the department of General Surgery of the same hospital, under the supervision of Prof. Alfred Dealbert Aguilar MD.

He recognised his degree in Medicine by the Greek Authorities (Δ.Ο.Α.Τ.Α.Π.), with the decision 10-144/2015, and he was graded 8.6/10 (excellent). He also obtained a full recognition and inscription to the General Medical Council, U.K. and the French Ministry of Health and Medical Council.

He Started his training in Obstetrics and Gynecology in the area of Greater Paris – Ile de France. He passed from the following institutions:

  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of “Simone Veil” Hospital, Montmorency, France, under the supervision of Dr Joceline MORVAN, (Head of the department) and Dr Jean Paul CLEOPHAX, (Head of “Mother & Child” Sector).
  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of “René Dubos” Hospital, Pontoise, France, under the supervision of Dr Jean Michel MURAY (Head of the department and Head of “Mother & Child” Sector).
  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Hospital of Longjumeau, France, under the supervision of Dr Phillipe BAILLY-SALLIN (Head of the department and “Mother  & Child” Sector) and of Dr Aly ABBARA (later Head of the Department) and Dr Serdar DALKILIC (head of “Mother  & Child” Sector). Dr Tessa LAMBOLEZ (Head of the department of Endocrinology and Head of Internal Medicine Sector).  Dr Marie – Bénédicte LEGER – RAVET (Head of the department of Cellular Pathology and Pathologic Anatomy).
  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Lagny Sur Marne - Marne la Vallée Hospital, France, under the supervision of Dr Estelle WAFO (head of the department) and Dr Gilbert ALGAVA (Head of the “Mother  & Child” Sector).


In Greece he did parts of his training in General surgery in the following institutions:

  • Department of General Surgery of the Naval Hospital of Crete:  as a Quartermaster of the Hellenic Naval Forces – Medical Division, during his military service and under the surveillance of  Captain Anastasios Tzortzinis  - Surgeon, and Head of the department.
  • Department of General Surgery of “Skylitseion” General Hospital of Chios – Greece, under the supervision of Dr George AMYGDALOS MD PhD. ( Head of the department)


In December 2012, he obtained the title of Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology after successfully passing his exams in the University of Athens. The examining committee was composed of Prof. George KREATSAS, Prof. George FARMAKIDIS and Prof. Aristidis ANTSAKLIS.

He has participated in a lot of conferences courses and congresses. He is certified by several authorities. The most important are listed below:

  • Certificate in Colposcopy organized by the University Hospital of Motol under the supervision of Prof. MUDr. Lukáš Rob, CSc.
  • Diploma in Ultrasound Diagnostics in Gynecology and Obstetrics and breast diseases, after passing the French National exams, and organized  by the University Hospital Cochin – Port Royal by Prof. Gilles Grangé.
  • Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery from the World Laparoscopy Hospital in Gurgaon, New Delhi, India. Supervised by Dr Rajneesh Kumar Mish.
  • ALSO Certification (Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics) organized by the medical faculty of Crete University, under the supervision of Prof. A. Makrigiannakis.  
  • Specialised Courses in 3D imaging, Volume Ultrasonography, and basic CT scan and MRI analysis, organized by the School of 3D ultrasonography ( Ecole d'echographie 2D-3D) and professors Jean-Philippe Bault  - Jean-Marc Levaillant.


He stronly believes in life long education and actually he follows the following education schemes:

  • a Masters Degree program in Human Reproduction organized by the medical faculty of Democretian University in Alexandroupolis, and Prof. Nikolaos NIKOLETTOS.
  • the diploma of Vaginal Surgery Organized by the University of Lille, France and Prof. Michel COSSON. 

He has worked as an attached Doctor to the Department of Gynecologic Suergery of “Rene Dubos” Hospital, Pontoise, France, under the supervision of Dr Jean Michel MURAY (Head of the department and the “Mother  & Child” Sector) and Dr Vincent VILLEFRANQUE.

Since June 2013 he maintains a private practice cabinet in Chios and covers the duties of the supervisor of the operating theatres and delivery rooms of the ELEFTHO Polyclinic, S.A.

He speaks Greek, English and French in a professional level and  Czech in a basic level. He is also a multiinstrumental jazz musician and very keen in photography, and sailing.